Did you know that real estate agents can refer and receive monetary referrals from other real estate agents?
Even if they're not in your area?!
Amazing, Right?
If you are looking for a real estate agent, ask yourself "who do I know that can help me?"
Do you have a family member or friend in Real Estate?
Reach out to them to help you find the right agent for you in your needs, it doesn't cost you a dime and if they refer you to an agent that helps you close on a real estate deal they can get a referral check from that agent!
So the next time you're looking to buy or sell a property try to remember, do you have any friends or family who are real estate agents?
They may not live in your area but that's okay! Give them a call, they will refer you to an agent in the area you are looking to buy or sell in and they can get paid a referral fee for it.