Calling all Firefighters, EMTs, Teachers of kindergarten through 12th grade, and Police officers.
If you're looking to purchase a HUD home in a revitalization area, you could qualify for a 50% off discount.
What am I talking about? Well, let's discuss this program and how it may benefit you.
HUD has many programs that are available out there, however, one of them I wanted to bring to your attention, because if you are a police officer, a teacher of kindergarten through 12th grade, a firefighter, or an Emergency Medical Technician, EMT, you could qualify for 50% off of a HUD owned property if it's located in one of the revitalization areas.
It sounds too good to be true, right? 50% off, are you kidding me? Well, there are some rules that you have to follow, such as you have to sign that you're going to live in the property for the next three years at a bare minimum. Technically, the discount that you're getting on the property is going to be a second lien on the home for those 36 months. If you stay there for the 36 months, it drops off and it goes away.
HUD does require you to sign as a second mortgage, but it's at 0% interest, and zero payments. They call it a silent second. Your personal loan is going to be for the 50% that you're paying for the home. The silent second is for the other 50% that is discounted off of the home.
So how do you know if you qualify for this program? Well, you're welcome to go the HUD home store website and click on the Good Neighbor Next Door link, or you can call a listing agent of a HUD property and they will be able to discuss the program with you. Keep in mind that the HUD revitalization areas are limited, so you want to make sure that you know that you're looking in the area that you want to take advantage of the program in.
To qualify as a law enforcement officer for the Good Neighbor Next Door program, you must be a full-time agent of the federal government, the state, a unit of the local government, or an Indian tribal government. You must directly serve in the locality of where the home is located.
A teacher qualifies if the person is employed full-time as a teacher with a state accredited school, public or private, that provides direct services to students in pre-kindergarten up to 12th grade. And you must also be looking for a home located in the area that you're serving.
For firefighters and EMTs to qualify for the Good Neighbor Next Door program, you must be employed by a local fire department or emergency medical service responder, unit of the federal government, a state, a unit of general local government, or an Indian tribal government. You must also be full-time employed and serve the area that you're looking to purchase the property in.
How do you find out where the properties are located? Well let's take a look at the map. Take a quick look at the map to see what area near you will qualify for the Good Neighbor Next Door revitalization area, see all that blue there? Those are the revitalization areas. You can see Washington, D.C., and Baltimore have quite a few areas that are available. Looks like there's a place in Atlantic City that qualifies as a revitalization area.
So they're looking for people who are giving back to their community and can help protect and serve that area. If you'd like more information about the Good Neighbor Next Door program, you can always comment below and I will answer it. You can also reach out to your local HUD real estate agent and ask them to help you and get more about the program.